When Vince DeCarolis met with Brian Dudley, they envisioned a new company growing out from the various marketing requests DeCarolis Design was getting when doing work as a design company. Media Net Link has been a long term partner with DeCarolis Design. Over the years we have worked on many projects providing the development and back-end pieces to their front-end design work. They asked us early on to help develop the infrastructure of the new DeCarolis Direct. Working closely with Brian we took the time to understand fully the business model for DeCarolis Direct. DeCarolis Direct is a company created to help clients with their ongoing marketing needs, especially with phone, and email communications.
Right from the start, we knew that two of our tools, AthenaRMS (a workflow tool) and Contact Beacon (an email marketing tool) would be invaluable applications for them. Working with clients such as Apple and Borland, DeCarolis Direct needed an automated system that could record and track important information throughout a specific marketing campaign. Media Net Link saw an opportunity to integrate our two tools for a custom use that could, if done correctly, grow into a whole new product. DeCarolis Direct uses our custom bundling of AthenaRMS and Contact Beacon to run entire telemarketing campaigns.
Having clients that accept the challenges of the market place and look forward to innovating ways of automating sales and marketing practices give us the opportunity to create new solutions. Having partners with the right ideas, and understanding what can be accomplished when people work together has given Media Net Link a proud history of accomplishments.